Monday, October 7, 2024



Purple Ash

The forecast is for several days of highs in the 80s. Typical of autumn in the Pacific Inland Northwest, mornings and evenings are cool. It takes longer to reach the day’s high temp, and it doesn’t last as long. To some extent, it depends on what you’re doing. At 9:30 this morning, Mike and Bess returned from hunting, complaining that it was hot on that hillside while I’m wearing my hoodie over a long-sleeved shirt.

Moving on to today’s musings, say what you will about Amazon, it’s nice to be able to order something you want / need and see it in the mailbox or on the doorstep in two days.

While Mike was gone over the weekend of Sept. 27, I happened to come across a pattern I’d saved for a Halloween spiderweb project in crochet. Inspired, I found the yarn on sale at a famous online retail outlet and ordered it. Meanwhile, I continued to work on the current crochet project, a “scrap” afghan in the wattle stitch, in order to make as much progress as possible before I put it away. I do like to work on seasonal projects when it’s the season, and a seasonal project trumps the non-seasonal.

After five days or so, I started watching for the ordered yarn, anticipating that it could be delivered at any time. However, a week to the day after submitting the order, I received notice that it had just shipped. And now, through the magic of the internet, I see that it isn’t due here until this coming Friday, two weeks after I placed the order. It’s now traveling slowly from Michigan to Washington state, currently in Illinois.

So, I’m just sayin’ – two-day delivery is wonderful. It just doesn’t always happen. And I’m spoiled.

Oh! And as I moved through Albertson’s yesterday, I came upon fruitcake fixings and grabbed the classic mix of candied fruit. I usually order it from Amazon because I can't find it locally. “Good for you,” exclaimed the cashier. “You have to buy this early. Wait until later in the season, and it will be gone.” How well I know! (Frankly, I just thought they never stocked it.) KW

1 comment:

Chris said...

It is very much fall here today and if the weather predictions are correct we are due for rain and much cooler temperatures by mid-week. I spent part of this morning outside sweeping the porch and driveway. It was so fresh and beautiful out and I relished every moment of it.

I, too, love the two-day (or so) delivery from Amazon. I was just thinking about the days when we *mailed* our order to Sears or Montgomery Ward and then waited for them to receive it, get it together, and mail it back to us. However did we endure it?! LOL Such excitement when the notice was in our post office box that we had a package to pick up at the window!

Just started noticing a few of the fall baking items showing up at the store. Always exciting!!