Sunday, February 2, 2025


How about the price of eggs?! My computer tells me that the egg shortage will continue through 2025. How will this impact Easter and the egg hunts? Well, I’ve been out of the Easter egg hunt scenario for years – happily so – so maybe we no longer hide real eggs anyway.

We have used liquid egg substitutes for years in the great fight against cholesterol, and naturally, that product is even more expensive now. Plus, the quality can be iffy, and after opening, they should be used within a week. Looking for alternatives, I bought Bob’s Red Mill Egg Replacer (powdered eggs) at Albertsons for $6.50, and they work well in baked goods. One package replaces 34 eggs, so it’s definitely a bargain at today’s egg prices. It’s just not going to help if you want eggs with your bacon.

There are other ways to replace eggs in baking, too. Do you have a favorite?

It isn’t Valentine’s Day yet, and here I am talking about Easter (April 20). Maybe you can tell I don’t have much to write about. Mike and I both have dental issues, and little Silas fell going up stairs the other day and chipped a front tooth. He seems to be coping better than his parents. “Welcome to parenthood,” I say.

I have been kicking myself for developing such a fabric / yarn stash, but if prices soar, I might just be grateful I have projects waiting for me in the shed.

And that’s the news from here – for now. KW


Chris said...

I'm so thankful for my friend who just delivered another two dozen gorgeous eggs to me for $5/dozen. Free range and huge! A cheap source of protein for many families is no longer cheap.

Kathy said...

Lucky you! And may her chickens continue to be well! It does happen that things change and what we relied upon as cheap food sources become expensive. Eggs are such a staple! I used my last three last night -- two hardboiled to garnish spinach and one in the meatloaf. I figured there was no use to hoard them.

Chris said...

Mmmm, meatloaf! I've been hungry for that. Must make soon!!