Thursday, September 2, 2010


I took this picture of Mike riding his wind trainer on Tuesday. He just knew he would feel better if he got some exercise. He's getting along well and without pain meds. He ices his hand frequently.

This morning Mike and Nellie played "tennis ball toss" on the pavement behind our house. Mike would toss the ball high in the air and Nellie would anticipate the first bounce. Once the ball was bouncing she would chase it. Here are some of the photos I took:



Chris said...

Such fun pictures of Nellie! Sometimes I really miss having a doggie.

Glad Mike is doing so well!

Hallie said...

This could be my FAVORITE blog of all time!!!! (no offense to all other fabulous blogs) Nellie-dog makes me LAUGH!

Kathy said...

Mike help me set the camera on "sports mode" which takes a series of pictures while you hold the shutter button down. That's about the only way I could capture those pictures. While I posted the pictures, Nellie sat at my feet with the ball in her mouth -- ready for more play.

I guess we can't complain that Hallie is easy to please.

debdog42 said...

Nellie looks like she is having a grand old time! Why do dogs love to play with tennis balls so much? LOL!