Friday, August 17, 2007


I ride my bike most every day. The main reason is the exercise. The other reason is to get out and see what's going on. There's always something going on -- even in these quiet places. Today I met Pete Curfman out on the road and asked for a report on the fire. He said he could tell me one thing -- it wasn't near as exciting as the Tribune made it sound. The fire was started by Mosman's combine. The Praest homes were never threatened -- Pete said it didn't even come close to them. He said he went over and things were hopping for a while, but he commented that those fellows with their big discs can do a lot in a short while. He said there were six helicopters that showed up to fight the fire and one was huge. I forget how many gallons he said it could hold. It hovered close to a pond and sucked up both water and mud and when that was dumped on the fire it was pretty well out. We're gratful the fire was handled quickly and successfully. KW

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