Sunday, August 19, 2007


No work today, just play. The forecast was for intermittent showers this morning and light rain this afternoon – 70% chance. When we got up this morning it was partly cloudy with almost no wind. That’s something in itself because air movement here is kind of like the hills – always here and lots of it. I’d been waiting for days for the wind to slacken to do some shooting as I’m breaking in a new rifle so this looked like my best chance. I got in several test groups with a couple different loads and was pleased with the results. The rifle is a Tikka 3 Light in 7mm 08 Rem caliber. Tikka is a Finnish brand made by Sako and imported by Beretta.

Since I was on a roll we then went down to the Clays field and Kathy pulled a round of 25 for me. That went well too. I missed a few but not as many as usual.

Next we decided to do our bike rides. Kathy did her usual Sunday route which is to stop by the cemetery but I decided to get in a road bike ride. That means hauling the bike 6 miles to the county line to the nearest pavement. I left the car there and rode into Nezperce and down through Lawyer’s canyon to the Seven Mile grade turnoff to Kamiah. I turned around there and headed back and the rain started about the time I was leaving Nezperce. I didn’t mind the rain itself (it’s the first we’ve had since the last weekend in June) but with the combination of rain, wind and dropping temperature I was shivering cold by the time I got back to the car and had completed the 40+ miles. However, a hot shower and some hot soup Kathy had ready made things ok.

With the rain forecast, last night after supper I worked until 8:00 pm cleaning out the gutters. The gutters feed the cistern which had just dropped to below pump level the day before. What perfect timing! It’s rained all afternoon and supposed to do more. The farmers may not be happy but I’m sure the fire fighters are.

We took our usual two mile walk this evening mainly to give Nellie her run. It’s still raining but not too hard.

Getting ready for a crock pot chukar meal topped off with homemade ice cream that I made yesterday so you see it really has been a fun day.


  1. Have you thouht about getting one of those rootin toot'n gun tote'n Idaho Democrat bumper stickers?


  2. Your fun day sure sounds like a lot of work, to me!

  3. hahaha i am only going to hope that the chucker soup came from mcdonalds and not from a real chucker!EWE! will have to save you soon before you start eating squarel.

    Rhonda Cashtyme

  4. And just imagine -- he has to have a good workday before he can reward himself with such a wonderful funday! KW
