Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Wind chimes can be controversial. In neighborhoods and even in families, some like to hear them, some could do without them, some find them annoying in the extreme. In a place like the farm, the music of the wind in the pines either competes with the wind chimes or blends with it, however the individual sees (er – hears) it.

I was at Hays’ Produce Market in Clarkston some weeks back when a large set of wind chimes caught my eye. I was curious how such large chimes would sound and timidly pushed one of the chimes in order to hear. Ooooh! I’m in a cathedral, I thought to myself.

As time went on, I began to wonder how I might get Mike those wind chimes for Christmas. Then he asked what I wanted for my birthday, and I found myself saying, “There’s a set of wind chimes at Hays’ . . .” I researched on line at musicofthespheres.com, where I listened to a number of chimes, finally selecting “Westminster,” which I thought would be comparable to the set at Hays’. Mike bought them and we were able to fit them on top of the load in the Subaru and bring them to the farm. He hung them in the maple tree in front of the house as soon as we got here. And – as he lifted the clapper over my head, I looked up and read the label – “Westminster – Music of the Spheres.” KW


  1. I was telling Dad about something the Harmonies of the sphere chimes that I saw here in Boise. I think that's a reference to the chord that they play. I think I can make them. Quite sure I could tune them by ear. I've alway woundered what a close encounters of the third kind wind chime would sould like. You know the five note from the theme. Gonna do that some day. Maybe when I retire......

    Billie swam 2500 meters today.


  2. Happy Birthday, Mom!

  3. Hey Clint! Good to hear from you. Thanks for the greeting.

    Hey MVW! Yes, I'm sure both you and Clint could tune chimes by ear. Love, Mom

  4. What can I do? What can I do? Ha ha!
