Saturday, August 11, 2007


I have one of those Staples Easy Buttons and whenever I finish one of my projects (or a portion of one) I hit it. I gave it a tap yesterday. You can just pospone things so long so I resumed the barn clean-out project. The northeast room in the barn where stuff was stored is now empty. We kept a few things but most is in the back of the Power Wagon awaiting a trip to the dump. The other compartment with a door on the north side is also cleaned out except for a bunch of grass seed that I don't know how I'm going to remove.

I've got a clay pigeon range set up that is really fun and challenging. The trap is situated on the top a draw throwing towards the other side. The shooting stations form a sort of V going down each side of the trap. You can also shoot from on top behind the trap.

I went with Kathy on her bike ride this morning and gave the dogs a little 8 mile run. I don't think we were going fast enough to really tire them out.


  1. We had those Easy buttons at Ivey. I wanted to mount it on the ceiling in an impossible spot so that when someone made a request I could say, "Well, I'd like to help you. In fact, I WOULD just hit the Easy button but it's a REAL pain to get to!

  2. I wanted to put one in the bathroom.
