Monday, August 13, 2007


I took my long bike ride Sunday and although it was only 23 miles it was a tough 23. Kathy usually rides first thing in the morning so I decided I'd go with her this morning and take the dogs for an easy run. After we were down Miller Rd aways I felt I should take the dogs back so I turned around and Kathy continued to the end of the road. Duke got tired enough to break into a walk about ¾ miles from the house so it was a good thing. He has good endurance at a slow pace but when it picks up he begins to tire whereas Nellie can keep going.

After returning I decided I'd get a short gym workout. As I began my workout I looked up and saw these two fledgling barn swallows curiously watching me from the top of a barn gate not six feet away. I went back to the house, got the camera and got several pictures from as close as 3 feet before they finally took off and zoomed out a window with a missing pane. We have a deal – they can habitate the barn so long as they don't build their nests over my workout area. They soon get the picture.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood but we have to go into town for a few days to take care of some things. M/W


  1. How do swallow get into the gym, and why do I think the pictured one looks like a screech owl?


  2. MVW -- You might have missed that the "gym" is in the barn -- in that open section closest to the pond. And I don't know why the swallow looks like a screech owl. I really think it is a juvenile swallow. I heard an owl recently -- just an isolated incident, though. KW

  3. Hi, How close to your house is the fire. Sounds like several miles away. Hope it is out soon.


  4. I enjoyed the monologues and description of your activities. You might want to put on the story of Elmer and his hat.

    I have put the site in my list of favorites.

    Some day, we might start a family site, but we don't know how, yet.

    What is this about a fire?

  5. Okay -- who is this last anonymous? Is it you, Chuck? I don't remember a story about Elmer and the hat. Why not write it here under comments or send it to me by email and I'll post it so that it's more prominent. I was thinking another entry or two about Elmer and Myrtle would be good. Thanks -- KW
