Friday, October 26, 2007


As I write this, Annie, Jack, and Mike are carving a huge pumpkin with '60s Halloween tunes playing in the background. I hope to have a picture for this entry sooner or later. YP and Kelly both worked this morning (YP from his home office), so Mike and I took Nellie to a nearby bike path with plenty of open area for Nellie to run and jump. She had a ball! When we returned to the house, Mike worked out in the home gym. After lunch we planned meals and the four of us went grocery shopping -- also fun! YP decided to trade his crutches for a ride through the store on one of those motorized carts. You can walk faster. At 4:00 we picked up the kids and had dinner at 3 Margaritas. I ordered vegetarian fajitas and had enough left over for my lunch and Mike's! Nellie is not sure of her Colorado cousins -- Belle (a Yorkie); Harley (a female white Boxer); and Joey (a big male Boxer). They all stay in the house together when we go out and have access to a fenced yard through a pet door. Nellie hasn't figured out the pet door. She uses it when someone holds it open for her. In a moment of turmoil, one of the adults stepped on little Belle; no harm done, but Belle reacted by biting Joey! She evidently associates any pain with him. KW

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