Wednesday, October 31, 2007


This morning Jack said, "You have two options; give me a trick or give me a treat." I explained that it really means give me a treat or I'll trick you. He said, "Then it should be 'treat or trick.'" I told him he had that right. / I forgot to tell you all that last Friday Grandpa Mike "helped" Annie and Jack carve their pumpkins. Annie's was based on an idea from an email forward -- a sick face with bits of candy and pumpkin seeds coming out his mouth. She entered it in the contest at the softball tournament and won second prize. Ironically, the first prize was a carved to look like a hamburger, an idea off the same forward. Anyway, Annie received a $10.00 gift certificate to Toys-R-Us. Her parents said that was a dubious blessing -- she will have to add money to that in order to buy anything worth having. Both Annie and Jack have "Brain Age" which they purchased with borrowed funds, so technically they do not have extra money at this time. / Kelly has decorated for Halloween -- a nice display. You can see the upstairs balcony through a window above the front door, which makes decorating it so worthwhile. She has Halloween lights and a "Happy Halloween" banner. One of those "vacuum" witches stands in the front yard. And she has a big pot of Halloween bite-size bars ready and waiting. / I will be making the traditional pot of Halloween chili this afternoon.


  1. Pretty good! What did the kids think of not being allowed to carve their own pumpkins? I like telling people the story of how Dad used to Tom Sawyer us into cleaning out the pumpkins so that he could do the fun part AND eat the seeds. When I have kids I'm going to trick them, too.

  2. If they minded that Grandpa did the work, they didn't say so. I offered to buy more pumpkins, and no one seemed interested. I'm sure you've heard the story about Grandfather Portfors. He didn't want Nina to carve her own pumpkin because he was afraid she would cut herself, so he carved it for her -- and he cut himself. XO
