Monday, October 29, 2007


Annie and Jack were allowed to skip school today in order to spend the day with us. We did some geo-caching this morning with Jack and Mike finding two and unable to locate a third. We had lunch at a soup and sandwich buffet (the kids' choice). The plan was for a bike ride this afternoon on some of Denver's excellent paths, but Annie didn't want to. Instead the four of us drove down town to the Denver Museum of Natural Science where we toured the Titanic exhibit which is here until January. Considering the length of time those artifacts were under water, it's amazing what was found and preserved. We returned back to the house in rush hour traffic, but Grandpa Mike valiantly perservered and we made it! The Broncos and the Green Bay Packers are playing tonight here in Denver, I think, and Mike is watching the game as I write. However, Kelly says she's had enough sports and wants a diversion tonight -- like a board game or a movie. Perhaps we'll watch a movie, The Illusionist.

GOOD NEWS!! YP saw his orthopaedist this morning and is to begin weight bearing. That temporary handicapped permit in the car is good for three months, though, and they joke that it will take them through the Christmas shopping season. KW

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