Sunday, October 7, 2007


Yancey called Saturday (10-6) to say that he broke his right leg in two places -- the ankle and below the knee -- while playing softball. Apparently the ankle has been set but he is to see an orthopedist for treatment and possible pinning of the other break. This is about all the information I have at this time. As of this writing Mike and I are still planning to travel to Denver to watch Annie's tournament the weekend of October 27.


  1. Holy cow! It's called SOFTball! I wonder how it happened. :( Too bad.

  2. It happened because of bad decision to round third and a poorly executed slide into home. Anyway I saw the orthopedic surgeon today and received good news. I will not need surgery. He replaced the full leg spint with a cast/boot that I will need to leave on for a minimum of 3 weeks. I will not be able to put any weight on my right leg for that long, but because the boot only goes up to my knee, I should be able to drive in about a week and a half--as soon as the pain is reduced. The fracture in my fibula (small lower leg bone) will heal easily, the greatest concern being the soft tissue damage to my ankle. As long as I am careful over the next few weeks and give it time to heal, I should have a very good recovery! Thanks for your thoughts offers of support!

  3. So were you safe at least??

    Sorry to hear about this - be careful and don't overdo it for a few weeks. Are you using crutches?

  4. Thanks, Yancey, for responding here with the info on your injury. I was wishing you would -- and you did! Are you able to keep up with some work at home? Or are you convalescing? KW
