Friday, November 2, 2007


Mike and I had a wonderful time visiting Yancey, Kelly and family. We so appreciated the opportunity to share their world for a few days. I enjoyed every minute, including "trick or treat-ing" with Annie and Jack. Annie dressed as a hockey player; Jack was a girl in a "shocking pink" formal. (Some of you may remember when shocking pink was the name of a color.) Mike wore his devil mask. And Yancey also dressed in costume as a rough-looking convict. He was convincing, too, hobbling along on one crutch. However, he returned home after a few blocks because his leg was bothering him. With a pending trip to Minneapolis for work, he decided not to overdo. I did not wear a costume this year. While pressing my witch's dress, I noticed the old satin fabric was turning from black to red. Time for a new costume! Anyway, Mike and I accompanied Annie and Jack through the neighborhood for 1 1/2 hours. Mike estimated their candy hauls to be about 10 pounds each. Of course, they generously shared a few Tootsie Rolls with Grandpa.

We left Yancey's at 6:30 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 1, arriving at Clint's in Hagerman at suppertime. We had no road problems. We stopped for two geo-caches, which we found. These were both great spots for Nellie to exercise. She's such a great traveler! I complain more than she does!

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