Friday, November 30, 2007


Why is my body wearing out? I think it’s a case of overuse rather than age. I have degenerating disc disease in my neck which has gotten painful in the past couple of years. I suspect biking is a contributing factor. My bunion that I’ve had for many years has finally gotten to the point where hunting causes severe stone bruise like pain in my foot. Surgery is scheduled for Dec 5th. I think the bunion is the result of a ¾” leg length difference combined with years of running with no compensating lift, not to mention years of hunting in steep rough terrain. And now I have a torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder – probably the result of excessive physical activities such as lifting too heavy weights over the years. And I won’t even mention the recurring dental problems.

However, with all this, I have much to be thankful. I have a loving, supportive and intelligent wife and best friend, great kids whose company I enjoy, a loyal and dependable hunting partner, two homes, a shop, lots of toys, a good part-time job (which is all I want) and the sweetest little birddog in the field. So I’ll try not to complain. M/W


  1. Good to see you're back on the blog, Pops! I suppose it's good that you're addressing these bothersome things before you're REALLY old and have a super hard time with recovery.

    You DO have the sweetest little dog around! :)

  2. Oh yeah! Mention the sweet little dog! What about the loving, intelligent, best friend and wife who will walk the dog, carry the wood, load the vehicle for trip(s) to the farm, run errands, and be a general "go-fer" while the sweet little dog curls up in front of the fire? KW

  3. Ummm...because I was going to say that in the Christmas card I'm sending, silly!

    ...made me ruin the surprise. ;-P
