Friday, December 7, 2007


Following Mike's foot surgery, I listened to the nurse's instructions for his care and was then handed a release and asked to sign on the bottom line over the words "responsible adult." So it's come to this, I thought. No longer parent / guardian but "responsible adult." Responsible for what? I wondered, although I knew that if Mike heard the discussion, he wasn't taking it in -- meaning that someone would have to be -- well, responsible.

Mike has had his challenges over the last 48 hours since coming home, most of them stemming from reaction to pain meds. He has now discontinued all prescription pain medication and is actually doing a lot better. The throbbing pain has abated and soreness set in. We returned the little scooter apparatus -- perhaps prematurely -- and he has been experimenting with various walking aids. Right now he finds his hiking sticks helpful. (KW)


  1. I can't believe you signed your name to being responsible for Dad. Oh, what that could mean! I trust you, though. If anybody can keep him in line it's you!

  2. Mike is feeling a lot better today (12-9-07). He crawled behind the tv set to organize the cords. It's great that when he feels like doing some little chore, he can do it. I'm trying to think of a way to get him out of here for a while. (KW)
