Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Mike is home and "resting comfortably" after surgery on his left foot. Because his bones are hard and in such great shape, the doctor was able to do a different procedure than expected and Mike was provided a walking boot. We had been told repeatedly that this surgery would require him to stay off the foot for six weeks and over the last month we have planned for that eventuality. We are so grateful that he can walk and in fact is walking now. Of course, he's not supposed to go anywhere or do anything -- no strenuous activity -- but just knowing he can put weight on his foot, move through the house, and walk from the car to house or business is such a relief! It means he can feed the dog, make his muffins, stand in the shower -- all those little things that one takes for granted. And, if all goes well, in three weeks he will be fitted with a walking shoe, the doctor said.

There was a little glitch with surgery. He evidently had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia which caused heart arrhythmia. He is never to have that anesthetic again.

I enjoyed several hours of productive shopping while Mike was indisposed. I arrived at Wal-Mart before daybreak and cashiers were waiting to serve me when I was ready to check out an hour and a half later. (KW)


  1. People are always taking the ability to make muffins for granted! :) Glad everything went well. Were there lots of old people hanging out at the WalMart food court?

    I found a pretty awesome ugly sweater--I'll take a picture next week when I wear it.

  2. I'm so glad that Dad will be more mobile than expected. That should make things much easier on both of you! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Hallie, you crack me up!

  3. Mike continues to rest comfortably this morning. He grilled fish for supper last night and made his breakfast this morning. But he is to remain quiet and keep his leg elevated. Our Wal-Mart eliminated the food court several years ago & added some grocery aisles. Rumor has it that they will build a super Wal-Mart, maybe where the Chevrolet dealership was. Be sure to post a picture of the ugly sweater. KW
