Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Mike didn’t like the Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Rebound Banana-Flax-Almond Matcha Green Tea cereal. Now, Mike eats a double portion of high-fiber cereal for breakfast most every morning, and he had been trying to use up this cereal. He told me he was at the point of giving it to the dog because he just couldn’t abide the strange under taste. (Probably the tea.)

Rather than give it to the dog, I decided to make cookies out of it. “Banana-Flax-Almond” caught my eye and I thought of a recipe Aunt Chris gave me many years ago when I was a bride with a ready-made family to feed – Banana Oatmeal Cookies. Sure enough – I found that recipe and made a batch of Optimum Rebound Banana-Flax-Almond Matcha Green Tea Banana Oatmeal Cookies. I sampled a warm one. It was delicious!

Remember – watch for it by name: Nature’s Path Organic Optimum Rebound Banana-Flax-Almond Matcha Green Tea cereal – and avoid it. Some organic cereals are quite good – this isn’t one of them. KW


  1. Note to self: never buy anything that you can't say in a single breath. Holy cow!!!

  2. Oh Hallie, I can't stop laughing over your comment!! And I totally agree. And I...can't stop laughing!!!
