Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Guest Blog: Dry Paint

Hello to my mother's readership! I know I left you hanging with the saga of my bathroom, but today I implore you to gather round for the final installment of, "Hallie's Painting Adventure." When last we left our heroine, she was surrounded in an avocado green bathroom of despair. That's right, her green bathroom was making her BLUE!

Sunday morning Nick and I went to Home Depot and gathered up a stack of paint squares. We taped them to the wall and began to narrow down the choices. I was still tempted with the green, and "Tide Pools" made it to the final four, but ultimately got cut. I did some research on bathroom colors (has my mom told you about this thing called the Internet? It's great!). I learned that a green bathroom can make you look old. (!) I also know that I'm kind of a yellowy person (peach is out, yellow is out), green seemed cold and I felt intimidated by blue. We traveled back to Home Depot and picked up a quart of Regal and a quart of Malibu Coast. Both colors were a sort of light, warm brown, with hints of pink.

We painted several areas with either color and decided that we liked Regal best, but thought the next step darker would probably be even better. So that's what we did. We went back (I think the paint lady was laughing at us by that time) and got a gallon of Adobe Straw (who names these things???). The very BEST part of my day was that there was a guy with his Great Dane in the store and I got to pet him (dog). It was AWESOME! The dog's name was Big Man (maybe he should have talked to the paint naming people) and he weighed 175! He leaned on me while I pet him and I almost knocked over an aisle display. ha ha!

I digress...the new color is fabulous. Being in the brown family, it creates a nice transition from the other browns in my condo without a shock. The room feels warmer, and I'm pretty sure the pink hues make me look young and vibrant.

Special notes: Nick did all of the cutting-in from the ceiling and it's PERFECT. I didn't even think that was possible. The lovely jewelry box on the counter in the first picture was a Christmas gift and in the second picture, you can see that we left the inside of the laundry closet the original color.


  1. By the way, it's a little pinker than we thought, but we still like it. Next step is to get a new light above the mirror (currently a low-halogen, ICK!), and it will be interesting to see what that does.

  2. It's gorgeous!!! Well done!

  3. Yes, I think it's great. Kinda put me in mind of our farmhouse project -- coconut milk, coconut colada, historic tan, apple delight -- all from the brown family. I'm glad the color blends with others in your condo. I like that. Those paint names are enticing. I think that horrid green in the bathroom was "whispering pines."

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