Saturday, January 26, 2008


I am one of those people whose day is ruined if my usual route to town has to be altered. I like to sit in my own place at the table, designate a place as my own in the living room where my projects are within reach – AND -- I prefer my side of the bed. “I have to get up early so let’s change sides of the bed for tonight,” Mike might say. But I’d rather wake up early on my own side of the bed than spend a sleepless night in unfamiliar territory – the other side of the bed. It might as well be the other side of the world. This is nothing new. I have always been this way.

When Mike had foot surgery, it only made sense for us to switch sides of the bed so that he would be closer to the bathroom, have less furniture to negotiate, etc. So, I switched the drawers of our bedside tables, our pillows, and Mike’s reading light for the duration of his recuperation. I understood the necessity of the change and was willing to do it, but I did not adjust well. I can never remember to open the window, don’t like sleeping by the open window, and only recently have I begun to sleep through the night.

We have now come to the end of Mike’s recuperation period. “So,” I asked, trying to introduce the topic casually, “are we going to continue this way or switch sides of the bed again?” “I think we should switch back,” Mike replied. “I really like to sleep by the window.” “All right,” I sighed softly. Yessss! My inner self yelled.

Are you a creature of habit – or do you prefer to mix it up?


  1. I went shopping at a different Safeway this evening and it was QUITE unpleasant. Shorter aisles, different configurations. They were out of my oj, out of my bread. YES I am a creature of habit!

  2. Yes, it is disagreeable when they don't have what you want/need. When Milo was a baby we used to shop in the evening at the downtown Safeway. Mike would carry Milo while I shopped. My list was organized according to the lay-out of the store. Mike used to marvel that we could do it so efficiently. Then they rearranged the store -- never the same again.
