Saturday, January 12, 2008


-- An email message from Carol said that Bennie experienced numbness in her arm this morning. They spent 3 1/2 hours in the emergency room. A stroke was ruled out but they thought perhaps she had had a TIA (mini stroke). She will see her regular doctor on Monday. She may begin taking Plavix.

-- We received a package from Milo and Billie with a fuel hose for the old boat motor Mike is restoring. Also included was a red shirt with the chest slogan "built like a Mack Truck.

-- Clint called and visited with me this noon. He was making macaroni for lunch. He said they have had snow and wind and he thinks that's the reason he lost his internet connection. He'll let us know when service is restored.

-- Hallie called this evening to say she and Nick had painted her bathroom a color she described as "yellow sage." I got the impression she hopes she likes it when it dries. The paint fumes in the confined space were beginning to get to her. They were going out for dinner.

In addition, Chris and I had a nice volley of comments over the Wilder book and Harriet and I are going to meet next week to catch up on gossip. She is going to loan me some books by Carol Ryrie Brink apparently about homesteading and western settlement.

I feel so connected!


  1. I think the color in my bathroom is avocado. I feel as if I accidentally ran over a puppy. Something along the lines of, "WHAT HAVE I DONE???"

    Back to the paint store... *sigh*

  2. Bless your heart! -- because I know that's absolutely the worst comparison you can think of. If you like the color family, perhaps you need to come back a shade or two on the color chart. You know how I agonized over color when we painted the farmhouse. In the end I really like it, but it sure wasn't easy getting there. XO
