Sunday, March 9, 2008


Hello! We have returned from our excellent adventure to Boise. We started off on Friday, the 7th, making TaxTyme our first stop. Mike had intended to spend an hour taking care of some clerical work before the arrival of his substitute at 9:30. However, two parties presented for tax prep first thing, so Mike handled those and took phone calls in addition to the clerical work. We didn’t leave Lewiston until about 10:30. With the loss of an hour to the time change, we arrived in Boise after 5:00, but we were able to check into the motel, change our clothes, and meet Milo and Billie at their house before the banquet.

The official title of the event was the 2008 Southwestern Idaho Apprenticeship Council Completion Ceremony & Banquet. Milo graduated from the sheet metal workers program, serving as an apprentice and attending classes several nights a week. Mike and I were pleased to see him earn journeyman status. We needn’t have worried about our attire. “Hey! We’re sheet metal workers!” said Milo. [If you enlarge the photo, you can see Milo on stage holding his graduation certificate.]

Whenever we are in Boise, we stay at the EconoLodge because: 1) we are philosophically opposed to paying a lot for overnight accommodations; 2) we can keep the dog in our room; and 3) they offer a free continental breakfast. But the first night was difficult because the bed was not made to my liking and I was too tired to fix it. Also, Nellie was unsettled in this new place.

Yesterday (Saturday) Billie had to attend a class relating to her work, and Mike and Milo ran errands. I enjoyed spending time with T. (Tiara) and the boys. In the afternoon, T. drove me to Winco to pick up groceries. And then Mike, Milo, Mason, Nellie, and I geo-cached in their neighborhood near Borah High School. It was fun watching Mason select a toy to trade in the cache. Mike grilled chicken breasts for dinner while Billie fixed the side dishes. Then Mike and I baby-sat so that Milo, Billie, and T. could go to a movie together. When they returned, we said our “good-byes” and headed off for the EconoLodge. Nellie headed straight to her pillow in the corner of the room, sleeping noiselessly all night long, so tired after playing with the boys all day. I took time to fix the bed, and I also slept soundly. After our continental breakfast this morning, we were on the road by 8:00 and home by 1:30.

Altogether we found six geo-caches on this trip. We stopped at only one on the way to Boise, found three near Borah and two on the way home. One of those was at the Hammer Creek Campground on the Salmon. We have tried to find it twice before, but Mike found it fairly easily this time. He is approaching 500 finds. [Photo to left: Gage in relaxation mode.]


  1. glad you made it home OK. Hope you like the music. The snot running from Gages nose in the picture adds to its authenticity. It was a good visit thanx for coming!

  2. Hey! a comment from Milo. I didn't notice the runny nose until I checked the enlarged photo. The music was great Milo -- especially the Enya. Thanks for the CDs. XO

  3. I was going to say on picture 2: Milo will have a similar photo of you taking a picture! On photo 3: Yes, poor Gage needs a Kleenex!

    Sounds like a good trip. I bet Nellie dog is just as happy to be in her own bed. Next weekend I'll be dog-sitting for 2 English Bulldog pups. YAY! We had a Great Dane in to work a couple days this week. I loved her!
