Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Bill Mannschreck, an 82 year old retired doctor friend, invited me on a hike Saturday. Along with another old friend, 80 year old Chuck Woods, we hiked the Camas Prairie Railroad from Reubens to where it crosses the highway south of Culdesac. We left one vehicle on the highway where our hike would terminate and took the other one to Reubens. The reason for the trip was to provide documentation to get this section of tracks converted to a Rails to Trails project. It’s a spectacular route with six tunnels and fourteen trestles.

Five years ago Kathy, Nobie (Nellie’s predecessor) and I had hiked from the Crossing point on the map to tunnel 3 and back on a Geocache mission. The trestles along that section weren’t too high and Nobie had no problem carefully negotiating them by walking gingerly over the tin laid along the center of the tracks. However, the tunnels freaked her out and she would find a way over the top.

This time Nellie was along and I didn’t know what to expect. She didn’t give the tunnels a second thought as I figured because I had seen her go through culverts. The trestles were another matter. (If you’ve ever driven up the Culdesac grade you have probably noticed some of the spectacular trestles and how high they are.) She would not walk on that tin in the middle of the tracks. It was not super stable and made a noise. At each trestle she would survey the terrain and if possible would go down and up the other side. She was able to do this on two or three. On the others she walked on the ties on the outside of the tracks which extended out from the rails about 9 to 12 inches with nothing on the outside but a fall of several hundred feet in some cases. There were even some places where a tie would not extend beyond the rails and she would just skip over to the next one. By the time we got to the really high trestles I could not bear to watch. I had tried unsuccessfully to get her to walk the tin but I was afraid she might pull us both off trying to pull away. I was never so glad to finish a hike.


  1. Mike told me that he tried to take a shortcut to the Crossing and found the road so slick that the Dakota couldn't make it. So -- he had the old guys get out and push!!!! I was mortified. Mike says they volunteered to push. I guess that makes it okay. KW

  2. What a crazy duo you and your dog make! As fascinated as I am by the trestles, I am quite certain that I would have soiled myself and ended up in tears had I been along.

  3. One option you may not have considered would be turning around and not risking your best friend's life. Am I safe sending you my son for a week?

  4. I love those guys! Really I do, so glad to hear that they're both still kik'n and even able to push dad out of trouble.

    Wonder how butchy would have done on the trestles and tunnels? Taa da da daa Spider Dog!-mvw

  5. It occurred to me that since Nellie was walking the ties on the outside, it was probably best under the circumstances not to distract her. She won't be going again -- and likely no one else will either. No "trestle-walking" is planned for Jack's visit. I'll keep both Jack and Mike on leashes. KW
