Monday, April 21, 2008


We awakened at 6:00 a.m. to snow on the homestead. Yes, snow on April 21. It was enough snow to put some of our Christmases to shame. We left the farm at 7:20 a.m. when the temperature was 27.5. The Gilbert Grade was snow floor and the branches of the evergreens were dressed in white. Orofino also had snow; the park was white. Naturally, as we drove toward Lewiston, the snow gradually receded from the river and the temperature warmed to about 45 in north Lewiston. Still, when the average high for the date is 63, it’s pretty cool. These homestead photos were taken about 6:30 a.m.

This eastern view [left] shows the sun breaking through over some dark clouds while to the south we can see the breaks of Little Canyon covered in white.

Photos below show my three Crown Imperial Frittalaria at the point of blooming amongst the daffodils on the south side of the front porch [taken Sunday, April 20]. This morning the blooms bow their heads under the weight of the cold snow.

In a phone conversation last Thursday evening (4-17), brother Chuck said he was anticipating high temps at about 90 at his home in Ivins, Utah. Here in town we are currently experiencing a sleet storm.


  1. I am as amazed at the snow as I am the fact that you were awake AND OUTSIDE at 6am!

  2. Mike & I still get up at our usual time -- 6:00 a.m. Sometimes we begin to nod off at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m., but we usually fight sleep until 10:00 so that we aren't wide awake at 4:00 a.m. Mike occasionally takes a power nap. Not me! Sometimes I have trouble waking up from a nap -- a horrible feeling. KW
