Friday, April 4, 2008


Mike and I don’t drink beer or liquor. And because we don’t drink, we don’t buy it either. But this talk of bottle caps put me in mind of an incident that happened some years back when we still lived on Broadview across from the Methodist Church. A co-worker came up with a simple recipe for beer bread. Because I had no intention of buying beer, I felt left out of the sharing experience.

That afternoon when I got home from work, I noticed a brown paper sack in the parking lot at the Methodist Church. “That would be my beer,” I thought to myself. I hurried over to the parking lot and sure enough – inside the sack was a six-pack of beer bottles all empty but one. I got to try the recipe after all!

Here’s the recipe for beer bread:
3 cups self-rising flour
3 T sugar
1 12-oz. beer
Herbs if desired (perhaps dill)
Mix and pour into well-buttered loaf pan. Bake 55 minutes at 350. Remove and butter top. Return to oven for 5 minutes. KW


  1. Was the bread any good? You didn't say.

  2. I didn't think it was as good as I had imagined it would be when discussed in the office. I think the self-rising flour has a certain flavor -- like when you substitute Bisquick to make cinnamon rolls or cookies. It's just not the same thing. It was fun as an experiment but there are better bread recipes -- even better beer bread recipes. KW

  3. Hmmm.....I had always assmued that I get my dumpster diving ways from my father, but now I'm not so sure. -mvw
