Tuesday, August 19, 2008


When summer temperatures turn sizzling hot, about the only way to exercise your doggie is to take her swimming. We seem to have found a nice spot on the Washington side of the Snake. It’s not a beach exactly – rocks instead of sand – but it is a safe place to swim. Since it isn’t a beach, we encounter very few people there and it’s a comfortable spot to exercise Nellie.

The temp at our house on Sunday was 112. Yesterday (Monday) was cooler – 100. A storm rolled through last night bringing us intermittent rain – a few heavy showers – and cooler temperatures. It might reach 80 today.

[Nellie exercised by making 10 retrieves of a stick from the Snake River.]


  1. What a girl!! (Nellie, of course.) :-)

    It was hot here, too. What a storm we had last night--tree branches all over the the back yard. And booming thunder!!! It was a dark and stormy night. And day today.

  2. I think that German Shorthair could fly. Look at those ears! ha ha! That made me laugh out loud!!!

  3. We just had a few showers today and Mike was able to get a bike ride this afternoon. When he got back, it was 82, and we remarked that even though it was 20 degrees cooler than yesterday, we could still swim comfortably. So, we did that, and today Nellie was excited to go. She could hardly wait for Mike to throw sticks for her. KW

  4. Nellie sure likes she is having a blast! It doesn't take much to make a dog happy!!
