Mike follows certain rules in life. One of the biggest is "Work before play." "Would you like to go to Grangeville today and do some geocaching? We could scrub the kitchen floor and cut the hollyhocks back, then have lunch in Grangeville . . . " I said okay.
I scrubbed the floor; he shook the rugs and put them back. I cut back the hollyhocks; he hauled the refuse to the burn pile. (To be fair, he also grubbed two or three of those hollyhocks out of the ground. I
Tolo Lake is the largest body of water on the Camas Prairie. A nice roadside stop has been constructed there with outhouse and picnic tables. We found a geocache and fulfilled the requirements for an "earth cache" (that's where you take a picture of yourself at the site and send it to the cache owner). We ate there and Nellie enjoyed poking around. AND –it's the regional mecca for bottlecaps. I picked up a dozen, including the coveted bright blue Twisted Tea cap.
Then we drove on to Cottonwood Butte. Our instructions were to walk the last ¾ mile beyond a certain gate. However, we lucked out – a man was going in to do some work and let us drive through provided we could be out within an hour. We were fine with that. I did wish we could have stayed longer and enjoyed the view on all sides. Here are a few photos from the summit. In my opinion it's too bad that the summit serves commercial use and is
So you didn't go use your age discount at Becky's??
ReplyDeleteHi Chris! No, we didn't go to Lewiston. I didn't forget about the age discount. Mike and I talked about it, and I told him the discount would be nearly $30. I explained that I have a list of items I am going to buy and I will be buying them. I guess he truly didn't want to drive back to town. And I suppose in his mind the cost of the trip to town would have negated the savings. Thanks for asking. KW
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a percent off discount. So nearly 30%, not just a flat dollar amount. Chris???
ReplyDeleteThe discount is half your age. So, Hallie, if you were to shop at Becky's on your next birthday when you are 27 years old, your discount would be $13.50. Does it apply to any shopper, Chris? Or only machine purchasers? Could Mike make a purchase on his next birthday? Do you take Dan on his birthday? KW
ReplyDeleteYup, percent off price, 29.5% for us 59er's. :-)
ReplyDeleteChris, whose kids are due back from PE in a moment...
Oh -- and Chris -- I have sent three messages in the last two days and they keep coming back with "permanently fatal errors." I assume they haven't gotten through to you. Is something awry with your server? I was trying to tell you what a good friend you are. I'm running out of ways to say it and you apparently aren't getting my messages. KW
ReplyDeleteNo, having no problems that I know of with my server--I'm getting emails from others. Hmmm. Try my school email--millerc@sd281.k12.id.us How's that for awful and long??
ReplyDeleteSo, anyway, I'm sorry you didn't understand about the discount because it can really add up!! $29.50 off every $100 you spend.
Gotta run--
No, I didn't understand -- or wasn't thinking, which seems to be a problem these days. I even read the ad in the newsletter and the lady at the store told me -- and I still didn't get it. But -- after the initial cost of the machine, I probably wasn't ready to spend a lot more, at least, not in the same month. KW
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pix, Kathy.
ReplyDeleteAnd where is the pic of Nellie? HAHAHA!! I enjoy seeing her!
ReplyDeleteHey Kath,
ReplyDeleteApparently there *was* a problem with our email--talked to Ann after school and she said Eric had discovered it and that it is taken care of now. (So nice to have our own IT person!) You can resend your emails or just compose a new one and it should get through. I hadn't checked email for a day or so as we had the trip to Orofino last evening so didn't realize there was a problem.