Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"Nothing in the traps again this morning," said Mike.

"I beg to differ," was Nellie's response. She focused on the trap next to her food dish, looking me square in the eye as if to say, "I'm telling you, you need to check this out."

"Okay, Nellie, I'll show you there's nothing in here," said Mike, carefully drawing the lid back while Nellie stood poised for a possible chase. "Oh!" laughed Mike, "she's right!"

That mouse was the only one we caught this week, but we left all three of our commercial traps in the kitchen / dining area when we left.

Here are a few photos for Nellie fans.

"They're packing up again. What if they don't take me?" (Taken last week.)

"I know I'm in the way, Kathy. But I'm just slightly irked that you're so slow in getting dinner tonight." (right)

"I'm waiting here under the pear tree to see if they invite me to go with them. I'm a little nervous about it." (Taken yesterday as we packed for the trip to town.) KW