Monday, September 1, 2008


No doubt about the change of season that is upon us, at least no doubt in this particular spot. We arose this morning at 5:15 to a temperature of 46 with wind chill of 40. Mike and Nellie left before 6:00 for a dove hunting spot Mike had scouted out several days ago. "They'll be back soon," I thought to myself. Sure enough – they were back soon. Not enough birds to make it worth the wait in the cold. If the weather turns cool before the season opens, the doves get the message and leave. We just haven't seen many birds this year anyway.

Now, to you Labor Day may signal the end of summer, the beginning of fall, back to school, the sequence of hunting seasons, football, etc. But to me, Labor Day is KW's Official Opening of the Holiday Season. This chilly day did not disappoint. To put some heat in the house, I turned on the oven and made gingersnaps from a boxed mix. (That's what you do when you're out of eggs and Crisco.) While I baked cookies, I browned round steak which is now simmering as Swiss steak in the crockpot. The apple pie and dinner rolls I made yesterday will round out tonight's supper which will happen effortlessly at 6:30.

I'm now on my second pot of holiday herb tea. And this morning I ordered a book – Holly Jolly Christmas Quilting – through Amazon. And if I so chose, I could listen to Christmas music, though I might opt for Handel's Messiah, other classical Christmas music, or something like tunes from the Charlie Brown specials rather than snow songs and carols. Fall has its own particular brand of warmth and comfort. KW


  1. You made me smile. I am working on Christmas gifts in my sewing room. And your comment on holiday tea (on this *very* cool, windy FALL day here in Moscow) makes me want to go brew up a mug. And I shall, as soon as I sign off. I am almost done with the binding on a flannel quilt I'm making for Mom's birthday next week (shush to any who might see her before then) and then it's back to the Christmas stuff. Yup, the holiday season draws nigh! Thanks for the official kickoff, KW!

  2. Ooh! This repetitious blog post had to go in for some editing. I've fixed it now.

    Good. I'm glad you agree with me, Chris! Many people don't like to hear it, but I find if I'm making gifts and decorations, I have to start at least by Labor Day. I think it was Hallie who observed that I don't like Christmas as much as I like to get ready for it! Would love to see that flannel quilt you're making for your mom. KW

  3. It was quite warm here in Seattle today. I mostly stayed inside and cleaned, but had to go outside for groceries in the afternoon. I regretted wearing jeans--I would have been happier in shorts.

    Fall and winter are not quite the same without a fireplace but trust that I will consume hoards of tea.
