Thursday, September 11, 2008


See the three dead trees in the middle of the picture? If you enlarge the view and look closely, you can make out Mike's white hardhat at the base of one of the trees. Although we have plenty of wood for this next year, Mike identified those as trees we should make into wood this year – while they were still good for wood, while we could still get them out of that area easily. Now is the window of opportunity for such activity – after harvest and before planting. Yesterday (Wednesday, Sept. 10) was the day. I don't have much to say about it. Mike did most of the work while I served as a rather bored assistant. My mind kept wandering away to the sewing room. Rather than cutting and splitting in the field, Mike preferred to take the wood to town in 8- and 4-foot lengths so that he can work on a little at a time. However, I was unable to assist in lifting those lengths of greater diameter, so those pieces were cut to our standard 16 inches. I guess it took us 4-5 hours – and that was the work of the day, though I did other chores: two loads of laundry, finished the pears, watered the raspberries, took Nellie for a walk, and made a crockpot supper of creamed chukar.

The garbanzo field on "June's" place was harvested yesterday. They used two older combines and two dump trucks -- not quite the same as Meacham Farms. The right photo is just beyond the pond while the left is just beyond our barn. KW

1 comment:

  1. Is Dad under that hard hat? It sure doesn't look like it! I can't see him.
