Friday, December 12, 2008


Dorothy writes: As we became teen-agers, we took an active part in Christmas. My brother and I went out on the hill and brought home a tree. I helped decorate it and we began putting it in a day or two ahead of Christmas Eve.

[Mother used to tell of a year when prior to Christmas the Clearwater froze over so that skating was possible. Someone was teaching the kids to skate, but Mother and Uncle Porkie couldn't participate because they didn't have skates. That year they received skates for Christmas but by that time the river had thawed, never to freeze again while they were in school.

I found this Christmas card at the very bottom of Mother's old box of tags and stickers. I don't recall ever having seen it before. The card is beautiful and on quality stock, but the illustration is certainly not seasonal. The card isn't dated but since it's signed "Francis and Dorothy Portfors (brother and sister), I would date it Christmas 1926. They would both graduate from Orofino High School in 1927 (graduation photo). KW]


  1. I am so enjoying these posts about your mom's Christmas memories! And I love the pictures. I'll be sure to share them with Mom when they're up for Christmas.

    Chris, who has kids coming back from lunch in 5 minutes...

  2. Aunt Chris! I bet you're about to have a two or three week vacation. How nice! If you find any Christmas photos of your grandparents it'd be fun to compare. I liked seeing the picture of your family that was posted earlier.

    Did your grandparents live in Orofino? I wonder how people came to find Orofino and settle there. It's such a pretty little town.

  3. Great to hear from Aunt Chris, who just might be enjoying a white "pre-Christmas" today. I'm so glad to know you are finding time to read Mother's story and that you will share it with yours. You know,I began planning this blog last summer, and I put photos, clippings, and postcards in a "safe" place so that I would have them, but I couldn't find the story. In going through a drawer last weekend, I found the story, but I forgot all about the pictures I had put aside until I came across them last night.

    We could tell Hallie a thing or two about Orofino, couldn't we, Aunt Chris? And your mom might tell her a thing or two about Seattle. KW

  4. How close in age were Grandma and Uncle Porkie to graduate together?

  5. Uncle Porkie was 18 months older -- born in June 1908. However -- Uncle Porkie's best friend, Buzz Oud, was hit in the head with a baseball, I think, and had to lay out of school a year to recuperate. Uncle Porkie refused to be advanced without Buzz, which put them into the same class with Mother. It was her contention that she carried them through high school. KW
