Saturday, January 24, 2009

Guest Blog: Recipe Storage

I thought to make a comment on the last blog, but I have too much to say:

I often search recipes online, but for the favorites I prefer the ol' handwritten recipe card. When I find a recipe I really like, I copy it down. I like the small size of the card and when I look for a recipe in my box, I'm reminded of some of the favorites that I haven't made in awhile. I also like that some of my cards are from Mom and when I see her handwriting, I think of her.

My cards sometimes get messy or damp during the cooking process, but it only took a few minutes to write out the recipe and I don't even mind that they show their use. You'll know the very best by their wear!

There is an experience that I enjoy with my recipes and the antique recipe box that I inherited. The value of the tactile is something that technology simply cannot replace. For Mom: The computer solution would be good for traveling between locations, but what would happen if the computer or Internet didn't work? I'm going to stick to my little recipe box, but if I find myself without it, then I will go to the computer (or call Mom).

Speaking of antiques and old ways...I think I'll go to the library today! :)


  1. I have a recipe box Dan made me close to 30 years ago. It's where I go when looking for recipes. Most are written by me, but some are in friends' handwriting, some in Ann's (both young girl and married woman), and some in Mom's. They're my tried and true.

    I do download recipes from the internet, and fold them or cut them up to fit in the box. I also have a disorganized binder. And many, many, many cookbooks!! I love to read them. And occasionally cook from them.

  2. It sounds as though you might be a little more organized than some of us, Chris. You at least have a binder for your disorganization. I also love cookbooks and take a special interest in old ones.

    I also like the samples of various handwriting in my recipe box. I have some recipes you gave me when I was first married, Chris -- meatloaf and banana oatmeal cookies and a poor man's chocolate cake among them. KW

  3. The banana oatmeal cookie recipe was from Betty Jane, and I copied it from a card written by a young cousin Gary. He had wanted to help her one day, she said, and so she had him recopy some of her recipes. He's almost 66 now and I copied it from her when I was in high school! For sure it's "tried and true." :-)

  4. It's a great recipe -- the banana oatmeal cookies, that is. Thanks for that history. KW

  5. Hallie, your post reminds me of an article by Nicholson Baker several years ago in which he talks about all of the information (including relative wear and tear on the cards) that is lost when libraries trash their old card files for computerized systems.
