Friday, January 30, 2009


Mom and Daddy enjoyed making sweet confections during the holidays. Pralines were a favorite. Nina made them, too. This is the recipe I found in my box, which evidently was Daddy's. I'll try to remember to check Mother's box next time we're at the farm to see if she used a different recipe.

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar (packed)

¾ cup medium heavy cream

1 T butter

1 T water

2 T white Karo

1 t vanilla

Dash salt

1 c pecan halves

Combine sugars, cream, syrup, water, butter and salt. Cook over medium to low heat to 235 degrees on candy thermometer. Stir frequently with wooden spoon. Remove from heat, add vanilla and cool for 10 minutes. Stir candy briefly and add pecans. Continue to stir but stop before candy loses gloss – "very iffy." Best to butter round spots on cookie sheet, put 3 pecans on each spot and cover with candy.

[The last three days have been sunny and bright. Nellie is convinced spring has sprung. In the words of an old American standard: "I'd say that she has spring fever, but it isn't even spring." She pesters for a walk. When we get back from a walk, she pesters for another. If we don't go, she sulks. Photo is of a sulking Nellie.]

1 comment:

  1. I love how sulking involes NOT laying on her pillow! HAHAHA!!
