Thursday, February 5, 2009


My excited daughter called last night to say she received an engagement ring for her birthday. Often throughout the day – her birthday – I had thought of the tiny baby girl she had been when she came to us that day 27 years ago. And then I thought of the wise and wonderful little girl she had been. As a kindergartner she said to me, "I will be in school all day next year. You will have to find something to do." So, I did. I got a job. And that same 5-year-old gave Grandma Bennie directions to the grocery store when I was sick.

I spent the day thinking of these things from the past. And then the reality check -- the big girl called and said she has a beautiful diamond from Tiffany's and is going to get married. Apparently plans for the actual event have not been determined. "Well, you and Nick talk it over," I said, "and we'll help you, but you decide what you want."

Of course, I'm not ready. There won't be time, I lament to myself, to do all the special things I wanted to do for my daughter, the bride. I should have started last year – or the year before that. What about this? What about that? But, of course, "this" and "that" are not important. And it's not about the mother of the bride. KW


  1. Well, come on now...it's at least a little about the mother of the bride. :)

  2. Oh Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you, Hallie, and for you, Mother of the Bride!! It's such a wonderful, special time. Enjoy each moment. It's not about the wedding--it's about preparing for, and being married. I'm sending oh so many good wishes your way!

  3. Congrats! And I'm wondering if your dress will involve sewing on millions of tiny pearls? LOL!!! HAHAHA!!!

  4. I saw my brother-in-law Bill the other day and mentioned that Hallie is planning a wedding event. "I don't think it will be elaborate," I said. Carefully measuring his words, he said, "You -- never -- know."

    But no, I don't really expect to sew many pearls on the dress. But I will if that's what Hallie wants.

  5. Thanks, all! I appreciate all the good wishes and I'll keep you posted on details as I know them.

  6. Congratulations to Hallie, and to you, too, Kathy. It is so refreshing to see the younger generation do what is right in the sight of the Lord. May He bless you throughout your life. Oh, and be sure it isn't a slip knot. I look forward to future information on the grand event.

  7. Congratulations Hallie...Clearly we are behind on our reading. We are so happy for you.
    Kelly and Yancey
