Friday, March 20, 2009


Nellie and I have just returned from our afternoon walk. Our high was 65 degrees – the first day of spring and the first day I've walked without a coat this season.

Here are some pictures of the crocus in our rock garden taken today. I love spring bulbs. They brighten our world when we most need it, it seems to me. Maybe you can also see that I have garden work to do -- weeding and removal of dead vegetation from last summer / fall. I'll also pull out some of the snow-in-summer (see photo right) because it's overgrowing the area. I actually look forward to the initial work. It's in the heat of summer that it becomes tedious. In addition to our xeric landscape, we'll plant a vegetable garden. Our work to amend the sandy soil here is gradually paying off.

We're anxious to see how things are on the farm, but Mike thinks it's probably too soon to go right now – too wet. But yes – we have things to do there, too. We'll plant a hundred pine trees this spring and make some raised bed gardens. It's tough to garden in two places but still doable for us. KW

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