Thursday, March 26, 2009


A cool but clear morning became a lovely afternoon with a high of 54 at 5:00. This daffodil is the first of the season in my yard though the neighbor's across the street with southern exposure bloomed last week.

We had time this morning to head out to Hellsgate State Park and pick up a geocache there. Then Mike gassed up the car while I bought some white baby yarn at Jo-Ann's. I finished the "vintage collection" afghan except for six hours of weaving yarn ends and now I'm experimenting with shawl patterns.

I thought this little corner of my rock garden was quite pretty -- purple crocus coming up in the agastache, I think it's called. I actually bought an agastache plant two years ago. It was somewhat expensive as I recall. And now it's coming up everywhere. That's the beauty of a weed garden! So, if you want some expensive weeds for your garden, be sure to check with me first. KW

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