Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We were running errands on Saturday. We happened to be in Lewiston when Mike remembered he had a coupon for a free meal at Skipper's that would expire that day. It was noon and I was hungry, so I was glad he suggested a lunch break.

"Here you are," said Mike, providing me half of the free meal. "Half a baked potato, half of this cole slaw, and a piece of fish. What more could you want?"

I thought better of saying, "My own food." We eat a light lunch anyway, so really – it was fine.

Ironically, the very next day in the business section of the local Trib an AP article appeared about how meal sharing at restaurants is becoming more common. It seems that in these recessionary times couples or groups are conserving on the cost of eating out by meal sharing. And restaurants that used to frown on the practice are allowing it – just glad for the business.

When I was a child, my parents didn't buy restaurant food for me. "And please bring a glass of milk and an extra plate," my mother would add after ordering her meal. Both parents would then place a sampling of food from their plates on mine. Remember, there was no fast food in that time and place. We were eating in family-oriented restaurants in towns like Orofino, Lewiston, Moscow. It was years before I was allowed to choose my own meal off the menu, and even then, I think Mother would have preferred to share with me because of the financial aspect and because she couldn't eat all of her food.

Here's a picture of Mike and Nellie at a geocache site last Sunday. The photo above is of the crocus that bloomed in my rock garden late last week. KW


  1. I remember traveling with my kids. They would each order what they wanted, and I would order nothing. I would eat their unused portions. I am glad they liked the same things I liked.

  2. That would work for a while. Then the day comes when they not only finish the meal you get them but ask for another.

  3. Meal sharing would be okay if both of you could decide on the same thing! I prefer my own meal and often bring home what I can't eat for the next day.
