Friday, April 3, 2009


You like your children to have good manners – likewise your dog.

At least one UPS driver who delivers to our house carries dog treats with him. I think it's a bribe: "Don't take the seat of my pants and I'll give you a treat." Of course, it has the effect of training a dog to come at the very sound of the truck. It didn't take long for Nellie to learn to identify the approach of UPS / FedEx vehicles and associate it with something good. When she hears such a vehicle she perks up her ears – even from a sound sleep -- and climbs on the sofa to look out the window – something she knows she is not to do. But not every driver carries treats, and if not, his dilemma is to disencumber himself from a friendly but excited Nellie who expects of something good to eat.

Yesterday I had let Nellie out to play on the hill behind our house when I saw the UPS truck drive up to the neighbor's house, and knowing Nellie, I stopped in my tracks to watch. The UPS man stepped out of the truck with package in hand, leaving the door wide open. While he was away, Nellie appeared and stood stock still at the door of the truck, probably testing the air for the aroma of doggie treats. When I saw her poised to leap into the truck, I called to her, and she reluctantly but obediently came. Well, I was so proud of her that I gave her a cookie and sent her once again out the back door as I heard the UPS truck leave.

Nellie will approach any delivery person with exuberant friendliness. "UPS dog," mutters the FedEx guy. KW


  1. That is TOO cute!

    Our neighborhood is filled with pit bulls. We rarely see the same UPS guy more than 2-3 times.

  2. My sister worked for Avista for years reading meters before they went electronic, she and the other meter readers also carried dog biscuits. Lots of homes have dogs that dislike strangers and the biscuits helped be she was bit several times over the years.

  3. Oh too, what was wrong with your ipod?

  4. Hi Deb,

    I think Mom's iPod just needed to be reset. I think it froze up as they sometimes do. No big deal!
