Sunday, May 10, 2009


With improved weather the last several days Mike has been able to ride his mountain bike daily -- weather permitting. Arriving home yesterday, he told me he had seen three big cow elk -- so big he wondered at first if they were moose.

Today, as I was working in the bedroom upstairs, I glanced out the window and saw big creatures slowly moving in a field to the north. I thought at first they were horses but soon came to realize they had to be elk. I called to Mike and we identified them as elk -- two adults and two young ones. Mike took the binoculars and I grabbed the camera. I was delighted to see I actually got pictures. We've seen a few deer this season, but we seldom actually see the elk.

We don't know how Nellie knows the deer are out there in the evening. She'll arise from her evening nap, go to the window, and give a low growl and a woof or two, as though she's quietly giving them a piece of her mind. Just as the trees and shrubs at the pond were turning to shapes last night, I stood beside her at the window. It took me a long time to see the three deer in "June's" field beyond the pond.

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