Sunday, July 19, 2009


Tomorrow (Monday) will be a long day of driving, but today we're enjoying a visit with Yancey, Kelly, and family. Ironically, we were all up fairly early – even Jackson. But then, he slept a lot of hours in the car yesterday. Annie went home with her mother last night so that she could attend the softball tournament today and cheer for her team. (By the way, they won the tournament.) We were glad she could be with us for dinner.

Nellie has been a little out of sorts. Does she resent the other dogs? Is she homesick already? Is she worried about what will happen next? Maybe she's just plain tired. She isn't saying, but we know she's concerned about something. For the remainder of the trip she will have plenty of room in the back of the car.

Here's a picture of Emmy wearing the new outfit I made for her birthday. The elastic was perfect so I tacked down the casings on the panties.

After breakfast we headed out for geocaching planned by Jack. Out of the four, we only found two. But – we stopped for some shopping and I found some yarn to start a new afghan, some green pens [I'm in my green phase], and then some supplies at the grocery store.

This afternoon Kelly, Yancey, Jack, Mike, and Emmy went for a 9-mile bike ride. Mike deemed it a privilege to pull Emmy's bike-a-boose. We had one when Milo, Clinton, and Hallie were small, and at that time, ours was a novelty in our community. People would stop us to ask about it. After the bike ride we all went to the swimming pool. Now -- I have three swimsuits: one that fits reasonably well but is worn out, one that's too small, and one that's new but too big. I brought the one that's too small. (When I get home, I plan to remodel the one that's too big.) Somehow, though, once I got to the pool and looked around, it seems like most of us have issues with our swimsuits one way or another.

Yancey's birthday is tomorrow, so dinner this evening was the celebratory event. A "little bird" told us Yancey wanted an ice cream freezer, so we bought one for him in Boise and brought it along as a birthday gift. Mike made a batch of ice cream this afternoon. Now it's up to Yancey and family to experiment.

Jack went off to the barber this afternoon.

An array of gifts from the family, including shirts, slacks, and -- of all things -- cuff links for the French cuffs on the long-sleeved shirt. Did you ever think French cuffs would come back?

The iPods are synced and charged, the laundry is done. We're set to take off as soon as we wake up in the morning. We're saying good-bye to these Warnocks tonight. KW


  1. I feel compelled to ask: the hats?? And the outfit you made Emmy is adorable on her. Well done!

  2. How wonderful to see your comment this morning, Chris. "The hats" were part of the packing with the ice cream maker and I just had to capture that moment. And yes, it was rewarding to see her in the little outfit. KW

  3. I just assumed they were hair nets. Can't be too careful in food prep.
