Thursday, July 30, 2009


Yesterday we started from Aberdeen, SD, at 7:30 a.m. CDT, and drove north to the interstate. It was chilly in the Dakotas. I might have worn a sweatshirt if I'd had one.

We arrived here at the Clarkston house about 1:30 a.m. PDT this morning. I knew once we arrived in Missoula -- no matter the time of day -- we would just come on home, even though the most tedious miles of the whole trip occur in that 200 miles.

On the outskirts of Missoula we discussed the best route around the city. Pulling onto restaurant row, we discussed the advisability of getting gas before entering that mountain corridor known as the Lewis and Clark Trail. "For the first time in days we are talking like people who know what we're doing," I said.

And there was Taco Time. Chris and Murray will know what I mean. We each ordered a tostada delight.

We had lots of delays. Not far beyond Lolo, a motorcyclist had hit a deer and traffic was stopped while emergency personnel tended to the victim. We watched as the helicopter set down to pick him up. Then there was the construction -- miles and miles of it, involving waits and pilot cars.

So, we were late getting to bed, but no matter -- we were still up fairly early. We have lists of things to do. KW


  1. Bet you are glad to be out of the car and back in your own bed!

  2. I've never heard of air lifting a deer.

  3. Oh, ha ha to Hallie! :-) Welcome home to Kathy! Mmmm, Taco Time.

  4. Thanks! So good to hear from ya'll.

    I just assumed they were airlifting the motorcyclist. (LOL) We saw deer crossing the road or beside the road and lots of warnings to motorcyclists because of the construction as well. Mike decided to postpone a motorcycle trip up that way. That's a good thing!

    I'll you more about the trip from time to time -- mostly about the people and events. KW
