Friday, July 31, 2009


Late to bed, early to rise. Coming back from vacation two time zones away, maybe our inner clocks are just screwed up. I baked my muffins (important to do it early before it gets hot outside) and then left for my first bike ride in two weeks. In preparing for an early June 83-mile ride in Sandpoint with old friend, Phil Role, I had ridden myself into pretty decent shape so I was eager to hit the road (but not literally). Unfortunately it didn't go well. My front tire went flat on the trip back home. I pumped it up at the bottom of Critchfield which left me with a mile and a quarter climb up to the house. When I got to South Slope I was still a little short of my 30 mile goal so I rode up it (about .4 mile) and then blasted back down. I went into the last curve at about 27 mph and the front tire had again leaked enough to roll so down I went for about a 30 foot slide across the pavement. What a bummer! I've got so much road rash I probably won't be able to swim for a while - and it's supposed to 105 tomorrow. Time to go to the farm.

I spent yesterday taking care of the car after our long road trip -- changed the oil, washed and detailed here at the house, then had the tires rotated and got that nasty little chip in the window repaired. Kathy moved stuff from under the bed in Hallie's room and stashed the dishes we brought from Memphis there. Carol and Max have graciously given Hallie a full set of Bavarian china from Grandma Bennie's collection as a wedding gift -- "Elegance" (white with platinum edging) by Royal Castle China.

I'm getting along fine after the crash -- don't worry. MW


  1. Hmmm...this post seems to have changed in between times I have read it!! ;-)

  2. Just testing to see who is paying attention. You get an "A." LOL

    No -- Mike asked me to take pictures and I thought he wanted me to write the post. When I discovered he wanted to write it, I just moved it to drafts and he edited it. Since there doesn't ever seem to be much traffic on the blog between Friday and Monday, I figured no one would notice.

    Hope you're staying cool. KW

  3. You just had to get that extra .4 in didn't you? Never mind you, how's the bike!

  4. Fortunately the bike sustained little damage - minor scratches on the brake levers, scuffs on the hoods and both were bent inward which was an easy fix.

  5. Fortunately the bike sustained little damage - minor scratches on the brake levers, scuffs on the hoods and both were bent inward which was an easy fix.

  6. That looks awful, Dad. Glad you made it out with no broken bones. Doug wants to know if you cried - I think he already knows the answer to that one.

  7. By the way, when are you going to get your own Google account, so we don't have to guess whose post is whose? If you hurry, I think they're having a sale this week.

  8. Tell Doug I would have cried if I had thought it would have done any good. Fortunately I wasn't too far from home because I got so light headed a couple of times I had to stop and bend over to keep from passing out. A 30 foot high speed asphalt surf is quite a shock for an old man.
