Monday, August 31, 2009


Here they are -- the first unofficial wedding photos taken by the bride's parents. Hundreds of pictures were taken on this day by a professional photographer and the groom's mother with her professional-grade camera. I found it a bit intimidating -- and maybe a little "over the top" -- and a distracted mother of the bride just wasn't feeling imaginative. But anyway, here are candid shots of Hallie's wedding day, and rest assured, when Nick and Hallie return from their honeymoon trip to Ireland, we will have many, many, many wonderful photos from which to choose.

Almost time to leave for the park . . .

Hallie was surprised by the groom's gift -- beautiful earrings

Bride and groom meet for pictures prior to the ceremony.

Hallie and her two brothers, Clinton and Milo -- a precious moment for a mother. "Bigger" brothers, Murray and Yancey were also in Seattle with their families for the wedding. It was a great reunion.

Just a few more minutes . . . Are the guests seated yet?

Waiting with Dad in the shade behind the bushes.

The ceremony -- performed by the Reverend Erin Chase, friend of bride and groom.

With this ring . . .

Into Dad's barracuda for photos -- then off to the reception . . .


  1. Blessings to Hallie & Nick. May their life together be filled with joy and laughter and the bumps in the road bring them closer.

  2. I LOVE the pictures!! Thanks for getting them up so soon! It was cold and wet here on Saturday, so I kept praying for nice weather in Seattle.

  3. Thanks for the blessing and the prayers. It was rainy and chilly in Seattle Saturday morning, but the bride was confident that it would be sunny and pleasant for the ceremony -- and it was!

  4. Kathy,

    I apologize if you felt intimidated by the camera and all the photos I was taking. A camera in my hand and a view through the viewfinder is very calming to me, otherwise I would have been crying (tears of joy) throughout the whole event, starting with the rehearsal! Besides, I usually end up tossing over half of the shots - nothing to be intimidated by with that. You have some wonderful photos of the ceremony and I love the shot of Nick putting the ring on Hallie's finger. I have a shot of his back! =)

  5. WELCOME, TONI! Think nothing of it -- I'm just in awe of your camera and your artistic abilities. You obviously had ideas for presentation and they worked so well. Hallie says your wedding photos were wonderful and we look forward to seeing more of them.

    I didn't illustrate my blog at all until my friend, Chris, insisted on a photo of my sewing room. Now I also love to take pictures, especially of the agricultural community surrounding our country home.
