Monday, August 10, 2009


These first two photos were taken last Wednesday morning (Aug. 5). A storm was building but did not bring us much rain -- not that day anyway. Friends came up from town to spend the day and have dinner with us. After dinner we sat on the front porch to watch a spectacular lightning show to the south of us. We could see it but not hear it. Later in the night it appeared to hit east of us.

Late Thursday afternoon I took Nellie for her walk but left the camera at the house, not realizing the photo-ops I would be missing. Returning to the house, I took the camera and went into the field west of the house -- behind the grove.

The barn and pond . . . .

The trees on the right side of this photo are behind the grove; you can see Dobson Road.

And this is the view toward Little Canyon on Friday morning. Is it any wonder I was thinking of Christmas?


  1. These are some really nice photos.

  2. I'm glad you like them. I had one that was just the grain field -- meaningless. Then I remembered it was supposed to be a picture of Nellie. Unfortunately the camera caught her when she was down instead of up.

  3. The photos bring back memories. I noticed that on Google Maps, Dobson Road is shown as Curfman Road. Oh, the speed of technology, as well as the slowness of getting it right.
