Saturday, October 10, 2009


Brrrrr! It turned cold last night. Our low here was 23. It was so cold that the wall heaters in the master bedroom and bathroom came on automatically. It was so cold that I covered my neck with a shawl -- a cold-weather trick I picked up from my little Hallie. (Tonight I will wear warmer pjs.) The coyotes howled, the wind shrieked, and I was awake a long time. (Our high today was 49 at 3:30.)

Despite a night that wasn't exactly comfortable, we had a productive day. Mike got his deer this morning and we were both relieved. Once you go to the expense for the license and tag, you feel obligated to keep hunting till you get one. And in this place, the earlier the better. With continued cool weather and changing conditions, such as plowed fields, the deer will disappear into the canyon.

I also tramped behind Mike and Nellie as they hunted birds, both today and yesterday. The fields are steep but I make myself go with them because I love the views and I need the exercise. I carry the camera and do shooting of another sort. Mike has lamented that his shooting has been off lately -- says he feels about his shooting like I do about my sewing -- something you love to do but it just doesn't go right. Well, you just have to keep doing it then, I told him, reassuring myself as much as him.

Mike and I were discussing the fact that one is bound by state game laws even when hunting on one's own property. I remember when I asked my dad about that. Yes, he told me, the game laws apply even on private land, and then with a chuckle he recounted a time when they were having out-of-season pheasant for supper, and the game warden (Harry Walrath at that time) ambled up and requested dinner. They had to quickly alter the menu and kill one of Ina's "egg-money" chickens.


  1. What beautiful photos! When I try to capture a sunset, it never quite does the real thing justice. I bet that was something!

  2. The depth of the evening colors is spectacular this time of year. I love to watch the shadows lengthen over the field as I get dinner. You're right that the photos don't do it justice. The sunset behind the grove was a glorious red down to the horizon, but the photo shows yellow at the horizon -- like the sun is just too intense at that point. Interesting.

  3. Those pics are beautiful and LJ set the sunset as our desktop wallpaper. I also liked the pic of the garage/shed. I didn't know that was on your property.

  4. Also that isn't Nellie in that pic is it? You know we NEED to see her!

  5. That's the barn -- probably 110 years old. The state of deterioration is such that we can't use it, but Mike cleaned it out the summer of 2008 and said he would not tear it down. It had a lot of old grain in it -- attractive to rodents.

    I'm pleased that you enjoyed my photos. Yes, that's Nellie on point at the canyon's edge. She would love to see you, too.

  6. Okay is it just me or in the photo of Nellie "she" looks like a "he" from the back! L.J. pointed it out to me because I thought it was here too when I first looked. L.J. said it was Duke! ROFL!!!

  7. An optical illusion owing to her stance and the whiteness of her inner thigh. (chuckle)
