Thursday, December 17, 2009


Some years back Mike and I simplified the holiday gift exchange by sending a family gift to the households of our adult children. (Grandkids are still remembered individually.) And last year I decided to develop that family gift in my kitchen instead of ordering pre-packaged goodies. Using a recipe I discovered during the summer (and tested on Jack during his visit), I developed a kit containing pre-measured sugar, a mixture of flour and cornstarch, and a bag of M&Ms. Gramma Kathy Claus' kitchen was a mess today as I measured (and spilled) flour and corn starch! Participants will need to provide a pound of butter and some vanilla.

Here's the recipe: M&M Shortbread Cookies

1 cup butter (no substitutes, softened)

½ cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

2 cups flour

¼ cup cornstarch

1 cup M&Ms chocolate candies

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.

Mix butter, sugar and vanilla thoroughly using an electric mixer. Gradually blend in flour and corn starch. Stir in 1 cup candies.

Form into 1-inch balls and place on parchment-lined baking sheets. Gently flatten each cookie using fingers or a flat-bottomed drinking glass (dipped in sugar to prevent sticking).

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until bottoms begin to brown.

Cool for 5 minutes; remove to a wire rack to cool completely.

For my project, I doubled this recipe.

This wasn't all I did in my kitchen today. I have some Dept. 56 pieces from the Original Snow Village, and through display, the bottle brush trees at the Village Christmas Tree Stand had faded in the sun, turning an ugly brown. I had long pondered how I could re-color those trees, and this year I took courage through online tutorials dealing with the very subject. I bought some dark green fabric dye and prepared about half the box in two cups of hot water. I discovered that all I needed to do was to dip each tree in the dye, then rinse it in cold water. Voila! Instant tree renewal! And how many years have I put up with those ugly trees?KW


  1. What a great success story! Wish my day had been spent doing something fun. I came home early not feeling particularly well. I rested and when Nick got home we sang a couple Christmas songs (had to look up the words). That was good fun!

  2. I'm glad it sounded like fun. To tell you the truth, I'm somewhat stressed. My deadline to mail the family boxes is tomorrow and I still have a few little things to do before they go.

  3. Don't be stressed. We used to sometimes get a box of presents after Christmas and that was fun! Christmas Part II. :)

  4. You're right, of course, Hallie. I have to make some effort to see Christmas as a deadline or I won't get anything done. On the other hand, especially when we aren't sharing festivities, a package that arrives at a quieter time is quite lovely and makes a better impression. I also feel that way about Christmas cards. It's okay if cards arrive late, extending the season. -- from Mrs. Warnock's Book of Etiquette.

    Today I will coordinate my trip to Lewiston carefully, taking six boxes to the post office. Then it's a hair appointment, an open house at Arnone's office, some shopping, rounded off by the geocachers' pizza party tonight. I'm sorry that I had to turn down lunch with my sisters. XO

  5. Hope your day has gone well and all your chores completed. It's still a week before Christmas and now you have time to just enjoy. I love the idea of Mrs. Warnock's Book of Etiquette! Do I go to Amazon? Dan is hunting today, so I have just kicked back and done pretty much a lot of nothing. Feels good.

  6. The day went well -- but I still have lists and things to do. Ken and Ginny are coming to dinner tonight. Ken is going to tell us about his recent pheasant-hunting trip to South Dakota. By special request, I'm fixing venison Swiss steak in the crock pot and rolls. They will bring dessert. The house is still a disaster and some decorating is in order. But -- this morning I'm taking time out for my spiritual health and meeting with my friend for Bible discussion.
