Tuesday, December 29, 2009


When I transferred the Christmas photos from the camera to the computer, I noticed a number of random photos -- mostly of nothing in particular -- that I hadn't taken. I laughed to myself. Apparently someone was making certain no ghosts were lurking in dark corners.

No, no. That's not an orb -- just a reflection of the flash in the windows at the end of the hall. (Or is it?)

What disarray! Yes, there are ghosts in this room -- the vintage sewing room. They are the ghosts of unfinished projects hiding behind the clutter. Ina disapproves of such haphazard living. My dad says, "Kathy, clean this room." But my mother understandingly knows it will all be taken care of in time.

This picture was taken in the upstairs hallway looking into the bathroom. If you have to get up in the night, you want to know that ghosts do not inhabit the bathroom. My dad made the latch hook rug on the wall for my mother. The Aladdin lamp hung in Ina's dining room [see old photo below left] for many years. My dad converted it to electricity for our house in Orofino, then Mike and I re-hung it here in the hallway at the top of the stairs.

And here's the dining room today -- same table as in the old photo. In the renovation, a wall was removed to open the kitchen to the dining room.

Sunday morning Hallie and Nellie bid each other another fond farewell. Nellie totally understands that Hallie is leaving.


  1. I forgot about the door that used to be in the dining room. Lots of doors everywhere in that house!

  2. One of these days I'll post pictures of my sewing room that make yours look neat and tidy!

  3. The old photo shows a door into the dining room that we "moderns" could not understand. Another little mystery it took me a while to understand. In the early days, when the harvest hands were fed, the dining room table was elongated so that it stretched from the dining room into the living room. Those eating on the dining room side entered from the back porch through the dining room door. Those eating in the living room entered through the front door. But to us it had no purpose, so we eliminated it.

    Well, my sewing room is really a mess because I cleaned out the chest of drawers (decisions, decisions) and also emptied some boxes. The floor and the bed are a mess! But -- if others can rival that mess, I'll certainly take heart.
