Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hallie sent a message to inquire about the progress of the little cherry tree. It's looking pretty good. Our crop of cherries will be very scant this year. The cherry shown is one of six! By the way, if you enlarge the photo and look through the tree branches, you can spy Nellie's brown spot.

This picture is of the raspberry patch. It has taken five years or so but the bushes -- canes from Ken's patch -- are growing, bearing fruit, and multiplying. Mike spent an hour this morning scraping lichen off the propane tank.

The picture to the right was taken last night after supper. Mike counted ten whitetail deer in the south field. He enjoyed watching them through the telescope.

Mike took this picture of quail in the side yard this morning. Seems like we're seeing more quail right here at the farm. Also, we have a resident rooster pheasant who loves to crow as the sun comes up.

The storm pictures were taken today. The storm last night was more wind than rain here at the farm, peaking at 8:00 with winds at 22 mph and gusting to 27.2 mph. Storms continued to pass throughout the morning and afternoon. Period of precipitation were brief but included sleet and hail.

Our hired labor came today and spread our topsoil over the hoof divots in the lawn. Then Mike spread grass seed over the dirt. I hope our work improves the lawn.

Today was embroidery club day in Moscow and I missed it. Kinda feels like I missed a day of school -- like I wasn't where I was supposed to be. They were doing a really cool project, too -- like always -- but we had to be here at the farm. It's been great seeing Chris regularly and I've learned so much at embroidery club just listening as I work. KW


  1. It's too bad that you missed your class and wished to be there. If it makes you feel better, today I went to work but I really wished to be at the farm with you spying Nellie spots, deer, quail, and cherries.

  2. It would be fun if you were here, but your dad says if you knew how cold it is you wouldn't want to be.

    We just can't do everything we want to do all the time. And sometimes we have to do what we don't want to do. That's life. Live life with grace.

  3. We had a lot of fun today, but you were missed. Carolyn asked about you, too. We'll just have to have a time for you to try this project--it turned out way cool. And now it's time for bed!! This teacher is getting very sleepy...
