Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Jack and Mike enjoy some restful moments on the porch watching the hummingbirds. Jack had just gotten up. Mike was already at morning break.

And here's a little outfit for Emmy I made while Mike and Jack were camping. When I heard that Emmy likes frogs, I made a trip to Jo-Ann's for buttons and notions and used some remnants from my stash and Butterick pattern 5439. Jack will take the outfit with him when he leaves on Friday. KW


  1. Oh, I love those frogs! Does the bib button on to the frog buttons or is it fixed permanently?

  2. It buttons, though I purposely made the buttonholes a little snug. I hope it's not a problem.

  3. So the part with the frogs is a bib that buttons on the top? What a great idea!

    This sewing stuff is pretty fun!! (That's an understatement if there ever was one!!)

  4. Well, it's not a traditional bib for protecting clothes, but I guess it could be. The front and back are separate except for the buttoned joining on the shoulder. The sides just tie. Such fun to be little and wear this stuff. I hoped the top might just slip over her head, but I'm not sure.
