Monday, July 12, 2010


It was windy today, and I couldn't help thinking of daughter Hallie. You see, she doesn't particularly care for wind chimes, and we have several sets that we enjoy. The set on the kitchen porch is especially troublesome for her, I think. It's a lovely, five-tone set that Mike's sister and her husband sent us for Christmas one year. We have another set -- large and clanky -- that came from my mother, and that one hangs in the barn where it can be heard -- well, everywhere in the yard, but especially at the pond. And then there's my special "Big Ben" set that hangs on a tree in the grove. I love it there in that protected place where the wind moves it gently, sending deep "bongs" across the yard but not commanding too much attention.

As I said, it's all too much for Hallie, who appreciates silence when she is here. Sometimes we take down the set on the porch in deference to her wishes. Some people -- like Hallie -- genuinely find wind chimes disturbing. Occasionally the issue comes up in "Dear Abby." Someone will write in to ask how he can get his neighbor to take down the wind chimes. At least our wind chimes don't bother our neighbors.

The other day Mike and I happened to pass through a little town in this region and when I saw all the wind chimes on the porch, I had to have a picture. When Hallie complains, I'm going to send her to this place. I'll bet there were at least 25 sets. Overkill even for wind chime lovers like Mike and me.

We've been cleaning the farmhouse -- spring housecleaning for 2005-2010. We have re-organized some cupboards, moved things to and from the attic, hung a few pictures, cleared out clutter. Then this dust storm happened. No dearth of dust in this place. Oh well. We made a lot of progress. I even cleaned the kitchen floor on my hands and knees! KW


  1. This post had me laughing! It's just that the wind makes its own music in the silence if you just sit still and listen. Perhaps my favorite sound in the world is wind through trees.

  2. Oh too funny!! We have one on our deck that Matt made for us and I just love it. The sounds are gentle, though, and even more important, whenever I hear it, it makes me think of him. :-)

    But I'm also with Hallie--love the sound of the wind through the trees, especially in the woods. Pure Idaho sweetness.

    And Kathy, you were an incredibly good girl!! :-)

  3. Yes, the wind through the trees is one of God's special sounds. At least now we have the porch chimes in a spot where we can take them down when we want to. For a while Mike had them in a high spot at the back door on the same side of the house as Hallie's room.

    I don't know if you can call me incredibly good when I'm so far behind -- but today I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

  4. We discovered that wind chimes and rowhouses don't mix well about 10 years ago, when we discovered that someone clipped out the center "clapper" for our set of circular wind chimes, presumably to reduce the noise.
