Monday, October 18, 2010


Son Clint arrived in town Thursday, and on Friday morning, he joined Mike on a hunt while I packed for the farm. Answering the phone just before noon, I heard Clint's familiar greeting: "Hi Mom, What's up?" Since he and Mike were supposed to be together – and since I expected to see Clint at the farm later in the afternoon, I didn't think he had called just to chat. He went on to say that Nellie had torn her leg badly and Mike was stopping by the vet's on his way home. They didn't see the injury incident but believe she got into some downed barbed wire.
Mike pulled in about 10 minutes later with one badly wounded Nellie, obviously in distress and feeling sorry for herself. We have seen this type of injury before – several years ago – and we knew not to panic. Allowing the dog to lick the wound will keep it clean and provide other healing benefits. Eventually the wound just draws together – better than any surgical procedure. But our regular vet was not available until later in the day, and we wanted to leave for the farm, so Mike made an appointment with Dr. Wolverton in Orofino for Saturday morning. Mike knew Nellie needed an antibiotic plus some sort of bandage to wear when hunting. Having done all we could for her at the moment, Mike and I packed up and left for the farm. By the time we arrived – 3:15 or so – Clint was already waiting for us.

Clint's particular interest in visiting the farm wasn't necessarily Elderberry Fest. He is thinking of making a go-cart and Mike offered him old riding lawnmower parts. So while the fellows disappeared to the barn to look over the collection of available defunct lawnmowers, I took care of things in the house, including lasagna and a mystery pecan pie. Hallie and Nick weren't due until later since they couldn't leave Seattle until 3:00 -- so after supper I shortened jeans for Clint.

About 9:30 I heard a car in the lane, and suddenly a moping Nellie came to life when she realized a car had pulled in. She undoubtedly remembered who it is that arrives at bedtime. "Let me by, let me by," she seemed to say as she squeezed between me and a partially opened door. She was not disappointed. "Look what happened to my leg," she seemed to say as she greeted Hallie. She mustered the enthusiasm to greet, but when it came to gnawing Hallie's gift, a pig ear, she wasn't interested. Hallie put it away for the next day.

We wasted no time in getting to bed so that we could enter into Elderberry Fest activities well-rested. KW
Photo 1: Mike and Nellie after a happier hunt.
Photo 2: The site of Elderberry Fest, our farm at Gilbert, Idaho.
Photo 3: You can see the gash on Nellie's leg.



  1. I like that photo of the farm. It looks like an oasis in a desert of wheat.

  2. Interesting, huh? I thought so, too. Usually I think I have to be closer to my subject, but as we hiked the other day, I realized the import of the "big picture." You can see that the farmyard is actually located in a natural bowl where it is somewhat protected. Did Grandma and Grandpa know what they were doing when they chose that place? Absolutely.

  3. Poor Nellie-girl! I hope she's feeling much better by today. Buddy somehow gets himself sliced on occasion and we have to take him in. Not fun.

    I agree with Hallie--great photo of the farm.

    Looking forward to hearing how the Elderberry Fest went.

  4. Poor Nellie! I hope she's gonna be okay! And she sure does love her Hallie!!!
